We partner with senior communities and other groups to bring classes on site at a low cost per participant. Request a class for your organization.
Below are some of the classes we offer:

Introduction To Mobile Devices
Ideal for: Anyone wanting an overall understanding of the major mobile device types and what they can do.
Mobile Device Overview
Cell Phones, Smartphones, Tablets, Netbooks, Laptops, Specialty Devices
Comparison: What Each Type Does Best
Reasons To Buy Or Use One Over Another
Useful Things You Can Do
Keep In Touch With Family
Save Money
Keep Safe And Secure
Gain Convenience And Efficiency
How Mobile Devices Typically Work
Internet Connectivity: Data Plans, WiFi And Hotspots
Cloud Computing

Introduction To Social Media (Facebook, etc.)
Ideal for: Anyone wanting to learn about common social media sites and how to use them.
Social Media Overview
Social Media: What's The Big Deal?
Facebook, Twitter And Instagram
Benefits You Can Get From Using Social Media
Pitfalls To Avoid
How Social Media Sites Typically Work
Posting Items, Giving And Getting Responses
Using Social Media On A Mobile Device
How To Use Facebook, Twitter, Etc. On A Smartphone Or Tablet

Technology Security
Ideal for: Anyone wanting to learn best practices for keeping their technology and personal information secure.
General Security Practices For Safe Computing That You Should Always Follow
Common Ways Hackers Are Successful
How To Protect Your Device (PC, Tablet, Phone, Etc.) From Unauthorized Usage
How To Protect Your Online Interactions (Emails, Web Transactions, Etc.)
Password Best (And Worst) Practices
How To Create Strong Passwords That You Can Easily Remember

Getting More Out Of Your Mobile Devices
Ideal for: Anyone wanting to learn how to use their current mobile device more effectively.
Protecting Your Device From Theft, Unauthorized Usage
Personalizing Your Device
Organize Your Screens (Working With Widgets, Apps And Folders)
Creating Shortcuts (1-Touch Dialing, Etc.)
Ways To Make Life Easier With Your Mobile Device
Leverage Multiple Devices In One (Alarm Clock, Calculator, Flashlight, Etc.)
Keep Information Updated And With You At All Times (Calendar, Address Book, To Do Lists, Rewards Cards, Etc.)